Monday, August 29, 2011

Knowing How to Choose the Right Type of Filter For Your Swimming Pool's Needs

 Take Perfect Care of Your Pool Water                                                                 
There are a few technical angles to figure out when selecting a filter for your pool system. There are also some new issues that are coming about as serious considerations for many pool owners.
The environment is at the fore-front of decisions we make daily. It is in the news daily and, whether you agree with it or not, there are laws being created to protect it. Environmental groups are being more vocal and their voices are being heard. Diatomaceous earth (commonly called D.E., for short) and sand filters are trying to be outlawed by groups whose job it is to protect the environment. These groups have been initiating and winning battles in various counties and the trend is spreading.
The issue with these 2 types of filters is that they both require backwashing. This is the process of running the water backwards through the filter to “rinse” the organic material, built up inside which is clogging and restricting the effectiveness of the filter, off. The process works well but the problem is where the water ends up. It goes to “waste” which is, to say, out into the sewers, water treatment plants and, ultimately, the back into our environment. Many backwash valves just end up pushing the water out onto lawns which leaves a mess of D.E. and chemically treated water in its wake. The D.E. is not healthy. It is a registered carcinogen and, if not for its rampant use in agriculture, would be illegal due to the health issues it presents. Sand filters do not produce any residue but still dump hundreds of gallons of pool water back into the environment. The water chemistry which is considered ideal for maintaining comfortable, healthy swimming conditions is anything but ideal in nature. The water is deadly to plants and animals. Remember, the goal in a swimming pool is to prevent living things from being a part of your pool.
Another issue with regard to backwashing is just that; the fact that you are taking hundreds of gallons of water out of your pool just to buy yourself some extra filter time. It is certainly convenient but water costs money, lots of money, depending where you live. And the price is going, and will continue to go, up. Any water you take out of your pool, you have to put back.
Depending on the area of the country in which you live, different filter systems are more or less popular. Here in California, cartridge filters are taking over as the filters of choice for the reasons listed here and other, good reasons. There are easy to clean and there is minimal mess. Maintenance consists of opening the filter tank, removing the elements and either hosing them off or soaking them overnight in a solution to break down oils. This needs to be done about every 6 months, more or less often based on specific considerations such as pool usage, surroundings, and filter size.
The other considerations when choosing a filtration system for your swimming pool are related to calculations based on Flow Rate, Filter Area, Filter Media Rate (FMR), plumbing size, pump size, Turnover Rate and other hydraulics which I recommend having a Licensed  Swimming Pool Contractor figure out for you.      
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