Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Characteristics of Chlorine in Your Pool and Spa Water

There is a formula for anything that you need to accomplish with regards to swimming pools, spas and hot tubs. Whether it’s a chemical adjustment or a piece of equipment that you need to replace and you want to be sure it’s the right size.

This article, as is stated in the title, is about the strength, types, physical properties of and pH effect of the different types of chlorine used in pools and spas. Also included are the same qualities of Bromine.

% of available chlorine:
      Sodium Hypochlorite = 10-12%
     Calcium Hypochlorite = 65-78%
     Lithium Hypochlorite = 35%
     Gas Chlorine = 100%
     Trichlor = 90%
     Dichlor = 56-63%
     BCDMH Bromine = 27%

% of active strength:
     Sod. Hypo. = 10-12%
     Cal. Hypo. = 65-78%
     Lith. Hypo. = 29%
     Gas Chl. = 100%
     Trichlor = >99%
     Dichlor = >99%
     Bromine = 95.5%

pH in 1% solution:
     Sod. Hypo. = 13
     Cal Hypo = 8.5-11
     Lith Hypo = 10.8
     Gas = 0
     Trichlor = 2.8-3.5
     Dichlor = 6.5-6.8
     Bromine = 4.8

pH effect in water:
     Sod Hypo = Raises
     Cal Hypo = Raises
     Lit Hypo = Raises
     Gas = Lowers
     Trichlor = Lowers
     Dichlor = Neutral
     Bromine = Lowers

Physical Appearance:
     Sod Hypo = Liquid
     Cal Hypo = Granular, Tabs, Brisquet
     Lit Hypo = Granular
     Gas = Gas
     Trichlor = Granular, Tabs
     Dichlor = Granular
     Bromine = Tabs, Granular

Article by: Jef Kirchmaier, CPO, CPT, AEA, WQM

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