· Keep all pump and skimmer baskets free of debris. Keeping the baskets free of leaves and other debris, you increase the flow rate through your system. This allows you to move more water in less time resulting in shorter run times and less work for your pump and motor.
· Oversize your filter and keep it clean. By increasing the filter area, you increase the flow through the filter as well as the time between filter cleans. Better filtration and increased flow make the system more efficient and allow for a reduction in chemical use. Also, the increased flow makes automatic cleaners, as well as manual vacuuming, work better and take less time.
· If you have a cover for your pool, use it. This can help in other ways, too, but by keeping debris out of the pool, you can reduce the amount of time you spend, physically cleaning up all the leaves, sand, dirt and other materials that can be deposited in the pool every time the wind blows. At the very least, remember to close it in the evenings before winds begin picking up. Covers can save you quite a bit on chemicals also. By keeping your pool covered during the day, you can keep the sun from burning off all of your chlorine. If you have a professional taking care of your pool, have the cover off when he/she gets there and do not have him/her close it. By having it open when they come, they don’t have to spend time opening it (keep in mind that everything you do to save them time, saves you money.) and, by not having them close it, you extend the life of the cover by not exposing it to fresh chemicals added during the visit.
· Make sure you are running your pool the right amount of time each day. Knowing how much water is in your pool and the rate of flow though your system you can then deduce how long to run your pump. Too long and its wasting energy. Too short and you’re asking your chemicals to do too much and spending too much time, physically, cleaning the pool. If you have a 20,000 gallon pool, you should be moving 20,000 gallons through your filter e very day.
· Make sure you’re not always playing catch-up. 90%, or more, of pool care is preventative. If you take care of your own pool, don’t put it off because things look good. Your pools water should always look good. If you have someone taking care of it for you, don’t assume they are doing nothing or that you don’t need them just because things look good. If you’re constantly battling cloudy or green water or algae continues to appear, you either need to increase your chemicals, clean your filter or be more thorough with the “house cleaning” (brushing, vacuuming, etc.) or some combination of the three.
· Using the above tips, you can save time, money and energy for both yourself and your pool professional. Enjoy!
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